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This study aims to measure the work-life balance (WLB) and the performance of married female nurses and examine the mediating role of organisational commitment. The current research considers a cross-sectional survey among married female nurses in Iraqi public hospitals. The questionnaires collected the data, and the valid questionnaires were 219 and analysed by Smart-PLS after ensuring the validity and reliability of the model. The results indicated that the WLB of married female nurses significantly impacts their performance and commitment. Furthermore, the commitment of married female nurses significantly impacts their performance and simultaneously partially mediates the relation between the WLB and the performance of married female nurses. Regulating workloads and fostering a pleasant work environment are crucial to lowering job-related stress from excessive workloads. Creating a timetable for married female nurses is crucial to improving their work and personal performance.


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How to Cite
Jameel, A. S., & Alheety, A. S. (2023). Work-life Balance and Organisational Commitment among Married Female Nurses. Management & Economics Research Journal, 5(1), 106-126.
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