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In Tanzania, the force account approach has been used for years to procure construction projects. In this regard, it is necessary to investigate the effectiveness of the force account approach in construction projects. This research examines the influence of management support and staff competence on the effectiveness of the force account approach in Tanzanian local government construction projects. Using structured questionnaires, cross-sectional data were collected from procurement practitioners involved in force account construction projects at Kongwa District Council. The findings revealed that management support and staff competence are essential determinants of the effectiveness of the force account approach in Tanzanian local government authorities' construction projects. The results also revealed that staff competence is the most critical factor influencing the effectiveness of force account in local government authorities, with β = 0.558 and p < 0.001. Furthermore, the effectiveness of management support and the force account approach are positively and significantly related (β = 0.233 and p = 0.006). As a result, procurement practitioners in respective local government authorities should ensure they can implement the force account approach. The study also suggests future research on other factors that may explain the variation in the effectiveness of implementing the force account approach. Furthermore, because the study focused on local government authorities, future studies can be conducted by soliciting input from central governments and other public procuring entities.


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How to Cite
Macharia, T. E., Banzi, A. L., & Changalima, I. A. (2023). Effectiveness of the Force Account Approach in Tanzanian Local Government Authorities: Do Management Support and Staff Competence Matter?. Management & Economics Research Journal, 5(1), 66-82.
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