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Innovation is a central determinant that contributes to entrepreneurs' pursuits of opportunities. The vehicle carries the means to concur the market and successfully establish an enterprise. This study used a cross-sectional research design to assess graduates' innovativeness for entrepreneurship development. The study involved 124 respondents selected from a population of Master's students specialising in science subjects originating from East African countries. Objectives one and two were analysed descriptively via per cent and frequencies. In contrast, objective three was analysed through inferential statistics where one sample T-test was employed for assessing the difference between innovation developed and innovation advanced to markets. The findings indicate that the level of innovation is relatively low for all forms of innovation since all the ratings were below 40 per cent. Similarly, the innovation advanced to the markets was respectively low compared to the innovation developed. It is concluded that the level of innovation is limited among first-degree graduates specialising in science subjects in East African countries, and the number of innovations advanced to the market for entrepreneurship development is relatively low compared to innovation developed. This calls for a review of the innovation process development in the higher learning education system. In addition, the recasting of enabling environment for innovation development is needed.


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How to Cite
Nade, P. B. (2022). Crafting Innovativeness for Graduate Entrepreneurship Development in East Africa: Are Graduates Innovators or Imitators?. Management & Economics Research Journal, 4(2), 45-62.
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