& Economics Research Journal2023-03-03T20:13:20+00:00Mohammed Benmoussaeditor@mer-j.comOpen Journal Systems<p style="background-color: #ab877c12; padding: 5px; border-radius: 3px;">Dear Readers, We regret to inform you that the Management & Economics Research Journal will no longer be publishing new issues starting from May 2023. The last issue of the journal was published in March 2023, which is Volume 5 Issue 1. The decision to cease publication was not an easy one, but it was a necessary step for us to take. We want to thank our readers, authors, and reviewers who have supported the journal over the years. Without your contributions and commitment, the journal would not have been possible. We are proud of the contributions made by the journal to the field of management and economics research, and we hope that the work published within its pages has helped advance knowledge and understanding in these fields.</p> <p style="background-color: #ab877c12; padding: 5px; border-radius: 3px;">We regret to inform our readers and contributors that our journal ceased publication in 2023, with the last properly published issue being Volume 5, Issue 1, released around May 2023. It has come to our attention that a false website is impersonating our journal. This website, located at, is not affiliated with our publication in any way. We strongly advise against engaging with or submitting any materials to this fraudulent site. Our journal's only official website is We urge our community to be vigilant and to use only this verified URL for any inquiries or to access our past publications. 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There are concerns about employers' demand for foreign in place of local professional certifications in employment decisions, especially in developing countries. Therefore, this study examines the impact of indigenous and foreign professional certifications on employee career development in developing countries like Nigeria. A survey questionnaire was designed to collect data from certified and non-certified human resource professionals in Nigeria. A structural equation modelling analysis was carried out to explore the relationship between the exogenous and homogenous constructs. Findings revealed that local and foreign certifications influence the career development of the sampled employees. However, the model's explanatory power shows that foreign certification has a greater influence on career development than local certification. The study report suggests that both certifications benefit career development, thus, are relevant in career development and employment decisions.</p>2023-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Oluyemi Theophilus Adeosun, Waliu Mulero Adegbite's Continental Free Trade and Sustainable Development: An Economic Assessment2023-03-03T10:30:14+00:00Jonathan D.<p>The quest for Africa's development breakthrough appears to be closely related to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). The Economic Commission of Africa believes the move could solve chronic poverty and joblessness prevailing on the continent. However, the benefit of hindsight reveals limits set by the laws of thermodynamics on the extent to which economic activities can be most beneficial to humanity. The motivation to expand trade thrives on energy for extraction, production, and consumption, yielding undesirable waste products. The need for sustainable development has responded to the limits imposed by excessive waste, stretching environmental carrying capacity to the breaking point. Thus, to avoid repeating past development errors, Africa's Continental Free Trade Area needs to ascertain the extent and cost of resultant environmental damage. Clearly, AfCFTA is yet to consider such effects. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, should be a reminder of how devastating a collision between economic activity and the natural environment can be. So far, studies on AfCFTA have been restricted to quantifying the effects of tariff reductions, non-tariff barriers, and trade facilitation. This study, however, assesses the outcomes of the efforts being made to achieve the goals of AfCFTA, from an environmental economics analytical framework, in line with tenets of sustainable development. It employs data from the World Bank and AfCFTA Secretariat to analyze the welfare effects of AfCFTA through resultant deforestation, solid waste management, and climate change adaptation. The study found the resulting environmental damage to be US$ 744.71 billion, far exceeding the projected AfCFTA benefits of US$450 billion to be realized by 2035. Thus, in its current form, AfCFTA will reduce the economic welfare of Africa by at least US$294.71 billion by 2035. While in the formative stages, AfCFTA will be better served if stakeholders can pay attention to the call for a fully operational plan to offset the impending environmental damage, which cannot be taken for granted if Africa wants sustainable development. </p>2023-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Jonathan D. Quartey Competency of Primary Healthcare Facility Managers in the Selected District Councils in Tanzania2023-03-03T10:31:34+00:00Ukende Apollo Kinguukendekingu@yahoo.comIsmail J. Ismailismailjismail1977@gmail.comStephen M.<p>Understanding the managerial competency of healthcare managers is very important. However, more evidence is needed on the managerial competency of primary healthcare facility managers in low- and middle-income countries. This research examined the managerial competency of primary healthcare facility managers in the selected District Councils in Tanzania. This research is grounded on positivism philosophy, a cross-sectional survey descriptive research design, a complete enumeration sampling strategy, and a survey used to collect primary data from 102 public primary healthcare facility managers located in Kondoa, Iramba, and Sumbawanga District Councils in Tanzania. The study used version 25 of SPSS to analyze the data and adopted the MCAP framework to examine the managerial competency of primary healthcare facility managers. For the communication and relationship management domain, 74.5% were competent, while 25.5% were less than fully competent. Likewise, 65.68% of them were competent, while 34.32% needed to be more competent in the knowledge of the healthcare environment domain. 62.74% and 37.26% of the primary healthcare facility managers were competent and less than competent in operations, administration, and resources management. Correspondingly, 67.65% and 32.35% of primary healthcare facility managers needed to be more competent in evidence-informed decision-making. Similarly, 74.55% and 25.45% were competent and less competent in enabling and managing change. The study used primary data and contributed recently well-worth and highly demanded knowledge on the managerial competency of healthcare managers in the LMICs.</p>2023-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Ukende Apollo Kingu , Ismail J. Ismail, Stephen M. Kibusi of the Force Account Approach in Tanzanian Local Government Authorities: Do Management Support and Staff Competence Matter?2023-03-03T10:33:08+00:00Theresia Ernest Machariamachariatheresia42@gmail.comAlex Lelian Banzialexbanzi12@gmail.comIsmail Abdi<p>In Tanzania, the force account approach has been used for years to procure construction projects. In this regard, it is necessary to investigate the effectiveness of the force account approach in construction projects. This research examines the influence of management support and staff competence on the effectiveness of the force account approach in Tanzanian local government construction projects. Using structured questionnaires, cross-sectional data were collected from procurement practitioners involved in force account construction projects at Kongwa District Council. The findings revealed that management support and staff competence are essential determinants of the effectiveness of the force account approach in Tanzanian local government authorities' construction projects. The results also revealed that staff competence is the most critical factor influencing the effectiveness of force account in local government authorities, with β = 0.558 and p < 0.001. Furthermore, the effectiveness of management support and the force account approach are positively and significantly related (β = 0.233 and p = 0.006). As a result, procurement practitioners in respective local government authorities should ensure they can implement the force account approach. The study also suggests future research on other factors that may explain the variation in the effectiveness of implementing the force account approach. Furthermore, because the study focused on local government authorities, future studies can be conducted by soliciting input from central governments and other public procuring entities.</p>2023-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Theresia Ernest Macharia, Alex Lelian Banzi, Ismail Abdi Changalima Mixed Methods Exploration of Measurement, Impact and Strategy for Affirmative Action and Socio-economic Justice in the South African Financial Sector2023-03-03T10:34:08+00:00Richard A. Aprilrichardapril29@gmail.comCookie M.<p>Socioeconomic transformation in post-apartheid South Africa is regulated by affirmative action (AA) and employment equity legislation. This paper aims to empirically explore the measurement, impact, and strategy for affirmative action and workforce transformation in the South African financial sector. A mixed methods research design underpinned by the pragmatism paradigm and transformational leadership theory was employed. Purposive sampling was used to collect qualitative interview data (n = 20), then thematically analysed. Quantitative survey data using random sampling selection (n = 100) was factor analysed. These constructs were measured: AA measurement; AA perception; AA transformation; AA business impact; and AA strategic framework. Qualitative findings indicate that AA targets are being measured as per legislation, yet transformation is slow and hindered by barriers. According to quantitative results, the AA strategy is essential. Management commitment is needed to represent all population groups in all jobs, frequently communicate about AA, transform previously disadvantaged women and young people, and create a diverse workforce that offers socioeconomic justice. The study adds to the body of knowledge on affirmative action, workforce transformation, and socioeconomic justice. The 10-step AA strategic management framework emerged as a practical contribution of the study.</p>2023-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2022 Richard A. April, Cookie M. Govender Balance and Organisational Commitment among Married Female Nurses2023-03-03T20:13:20+00:00Alaa S. S.<p>This study aims to measure the work-life balance (WLB) and the performance of married female nurses and examine the mediating role of organisational commitment. The current research considers a cross-sectional survey among married female nurses in Iraqi public hospitals. The questionnaires collected the data, and the valid questionnaires were 219 and analysed by Smart-PLS after ensuring the validity and reliability of the model. The results indicated that the WLB of married female nurses significantly impacts their performance and commitment. Furthermore, the commitment of married female nurses significantly impacts their performance and simultaneously partially mediates the relation between the WLB and the performance of married female nurses. Regulating workloads and fostering a pleasant work environment are crucial to lowering job-related stress from excessive workloads. Creating a timetable for married female nurses is crucial to improving their work and personal performance.</p>2023-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Alaa S. Jameel, Ahmed S. Alheety and Performance of Public Procurement Professionals in Tanzania: The Mediating Role of Career Development2023-03-03T10:24:29+00:00Richard Jaffurichardjaffu2@gmail.comTraining and career development have been considered to improve employee performance because better-quality human capital is vital in enhancing employee performance. This study analysed the influence of training on the performance of public procurement professionals when mediated by career development in Tanzania. The study used a cross-sectional research design involving 204 public procurement professionals from Dodoma city in Tanzania. The study applied Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) as a part of Covariance Based-Structural Equation Modelling (CB-SEM) and Hayes' PROCESS macro to analyse the data and determine the relationship between the training and performance of public procurement professionals when mediated by career development in Tanzania. The results show that training and career development determine the performance of public procurement professionals. Training facilitates the career development of public procurement professionals, whereas career development mediates the relationship between training and the performance of public procurement professionals. This study only considers training and career development, among other aspects of human resource development practices. This excludes the other human resource development practices in public organisations. This study brings together human resource development concepts (training and career development) and the performance of public procurement professionals. Thus, it adds value to the literature on human resource management concerning the performance of public procurement professionals.2023-03-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Richard Jaffu