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The current research aims to identify sustainability-oriented innovation practices and their role in enhancing environmental creativity through the intermediate role of green transformation leadership in organizations. Field research was carried out at Basra Oil Company and a random sample of 113 employees. The questionnaire was used as a key tool for data collection. It consisted of three axes, the first for sustainable innovation-oriented practices, the second for green transformational leadership, and the third for environmental innovation. The data was analyzed through the advanced statistical program AMOS and the SPSS program. The research was based on a key hypothesis that (there is a relationship and impact between sustainability-oriented innovation practices and environmental innovation through green transformational leadership). The results showed that the organization in question has a sustainability-oriented vision towards innovation practices, developing new competencies that support green innovation and acquiring innovative and environmentally friendly technologies and processes. In key areas where there are no previous experiences, the organization is constantly exploring new ways to understand the expectations and requirements of key stakeholders. However, some areas also need a better understanding of the best practices regarding using new management systems to manage environmental innovation. The management of the organization is often actively involved in environmental innovation activities on average, and the management of the organization invests an average proportion of R & D in environmental innovation. Finally, management often collects information on environmental innovation trends. In addition, several recommendations have been formulated, the most important of which is the formulation of strategies for implementing sustainability directed towards creative practices to promote environmental creativity that is compatible with the characteristics of the Iraqi environment and its requirements. The new technologies of sustainability-oriented towards the development of processes and products and sustainability-oriented towards the development of creative competencies support the enhancement of the environmental creativity of the organization in question. This course contributes to achieving the efficient green performance of the organization.


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How to Cite
Alsaeedi , K. (2020). Sustainability-Oriented Innovation Practices and their Role in Promoting Environmental Innovation through the Mediating Role of Green Transformational Leadership in Oil Companies (A Case Study of Basra Oil Company). Management & Economics Research Journal, 2(1), 50-68.
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