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The study investigated the impact of lean manufacturing fundamentals on improving manufacturing performance at the Yemeni National Company for Sponge and Plastic Industry (NCSPI). The study adopted the descriptive and analytical approach by using the case study method. A questionnaire was used for collecting data. After analyzing the data, the study findings revealed a significant positive effect of applying the lean manufacturing fundamentals on improving the manufacturing Performance in the Yemeni National Company for Sponge and Plastic Industry. The fundamentals were ranked in this order: cellular manufacturing; continuous improvement; automatic detection of a defect; and workplace organization. The study recommended that the Yemeni National Company for Sponge and Plastic Industry should care more about integrating all lean manufacturing fundamentals to improve manufacturing performance directly and effectively.


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How to Cite
Alhmiari, A. M. A. A., & Albaheery, A. A. M. S. (2020). The Impact of Applying Lean Manufacturing Fundamentals on the Improvement of Manufacturing Performance: A Case Study at the Yemeni National Company for Sponge and Plastic Industry. Management & Economics Research Journal, 2(5), 21-38.
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