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This study aimed to investigate the factors influencing the potential user's acceptance of the Rocab mobile application for public transportation in Palestine. This study adopts a quantitative method through 116 electronic questionnaires developed based on the innovation diffusion theory and technology acceptance model. The data were collected based on judgment sampling, a purposive sampling technique. Meanwhile, partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis was conducted on data elicited from potential users using the Smart-PLS analysis program. The results showed that 66.3 per cent of the variation in adopting the Rocab application could be explained by the structural model provided by this research. The results demonstrated a significant effect of relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, and observability on perceived usefulness. The results also showed that relative advantage, complexity, and observability significantly affect perceived ease of use. In contrast, the collected data did not support the compatibility effect on perceived ease of use. Additionally, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use were both significantly related to attitude, and, in turn, attitude positively influenced future usage intention to use the Rocab application. Overall, it was also found that 74.59 per cent of the respondents are willing to use the Rocab application in the future. This research's originality lies in empirically investigating the factors influencing the potential user's acceptance of the Rocab mobile application for public transportation in Palestine, which is rare in the literature. This will benefit researchers, the business community as well as policymakers.


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How to Cite
Ajouz, M., Salhab, A., & Idais, A. (2020). Factors Influencing the Potential User’s Acceptance of Rocab Mobile Application for Public Transportation in Palestine: Insights from Innovation Diffusion Theory and Technology Acceptance Model. Management & Economics Research Journal, 2(5), 1-20.
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