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The study aims to diagnose and expose the conditions and causes that led to the transmission of health shock to the economic sector. It also aims to itemize the sensitive aspects of the global economy to imbalances and the explanations of their spread during the Covid-19 pandemic by describing and analyzing the shock manifestations and investigating financial backgrounds. The paper also tries to highlight possible and potential solutions. The study concluded that natural trading of high-risk financial assets without rational coverage and expanding financial markets, immoral economic behaviour, and disturbing economic globalization are the main factors of the global economy's fragility. It also argued that adopting unconventional monetary and financial policies, especially the principles of the Islamic economy, can curb the negative shock impact.


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How to Cite
Bounouar, M. (2020). The Economic Implications of Covid-19 Pandemic: Financial Backgrounds and Proposed Solutions. Management & Economics Research Journal, 2(2Special), 64-89.
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